Olona khetho lubalaseleyo lokuthengwa kwempahla enye
Sikholelwa ukuba isimo sengqondo esilungileyo siphucula umfanekiso wenkampani kunye nemvakalelo yabathengi yamava okuthenga. With the adherence to the management concept of “people-oriented” and the employment principle of “respecting talents and giving full play to their talents,” our management mechanism combining incentives and pressure is constantly strengthened, which to a great extent boosts our vitality and energy. Benefited by these, our staff, particularly our sales team, has been cultivated to be industrial professionals who work on every business enthusiastically, conscientiously, and responsibly.
Sinqwenela ngokunyanisekileyo 'ukwenza abahlobo "kunye nabathengi kwaye banyanzelise ukwenza oko.